Connects to the northern portion of Umpqua River Estuary. Focuses on Wassen Creek and surrounding upland and riparian habitats. Includes some Siuslaw National Forest land
COA ID: 039
Strategy Habitats

Estuaries occur where freshwater rivers meet the oceanic salty waters, are influenced by tidal flooding, and experience frequent periodic changes in salinity, water levels, sunlight, and oxygen.

Grasslands include a variety of upland grass-dominated habitats, such as upland prairies, coastal bluffs, and montane grasslands.

Late Successional Mixed Conifer Forests
Late successional mixed conifer forests provide a multi-layered tree canopy, including large-diameter trees, shade-tolerant tree species in the understory, and a high volume of dead wood, such as snags and logs.

Oak Woodlands
Oak woodlands are characterized by an open canopy dominated by Oregon white oak.

Flowing Water and Riparian Habitats
Flowing Water and Riparian Habitats include all naturally occurring flowing freshwater streams and rivers throughout Oregon as well as the adjacent riparian habitat.

Wetlands are covered with water during all or part of the year. Permanently wet habitats include backwater sloughs, oxbow lakes, and marshes, while seasonally wet habitats include seasonal ponds, vernal pools, and wet prairies.
Strategy Species

Black Oystercatcher (Modeled Habitat)
Haematopus bachmani

California Myotis (Modeled Habitat)
Myotis californicus

Chinook Salmon (Documented)
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

Clouded Salamander (Modeled Habitat)
Aneides ferreus

Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Documented)
Oncorhynchus clarki clarki

Coastal Tailed Frog (Modeled Habitat)
Ascaphus truei

Coho Salmon (Documented)
Oncorhynchus kisutch

Fringed Myotis (Modeled Habitat)
Myotis thysanodes

Hoary Bat (Modeled Habitat)
Lasiurus cinereus

Long-legged Myotis (Modeled Habitat)
Myotis volans

Marbled Murrelet (Observed)
Brachyramphus marmoratus

Northern Spotted Owl (Observed)
Strix occidentalis caurina

Olive-sided Flycatcher (Modeled Habitat)
Contopus cooperi

Purple Martin (Modeled Habitat)
Progne subis arboricola

Red Tree Vole (Modeled Habitat)
Arborimus longicaudus

Silver-haired Bat (Modeled Habitat)
Lasionycteris noctivagans

Southern Torrent Salamander (Modeled Habitat)
Rhyacotriton variegatus

Townsend’s Big-eared Bat (Modeled Habitat)
Corynorhinus townsendii

Northwestern Pond Turtle (Observed)
Actinemys marmorata

Western Toad (Modeled Habitat)
Anaxyrus boreas